Calvary has missions in its DNA.

Planted through the work of a faithful missionary, we recognize that proclaiming the good news to the lost is central to God’s plan for the church. Calvary therefore endeavors to support the work of evangelism, church-planting, and Bible training both at home and abroad.

The areas we are involved:

The Meyer Family | The Cape Flats

Bill and Nina were saved in 1981 when a missionary couple shared the Gospel with them. After their salvation they immersed themselves in the planting of Croydon Baptist Church in Johannesburg. Here they felt the call to become missionaries. After attending Gethsemane Bible College they moved to the Western Cape in 1985 to start working among the Afrikaans-speaking Coloured folk of the Boland. The Lord has blessed their labours with 3 churches being planted during their 32-year ministry. All these churches are pastored by South African men who were called and trained under the Meyer’s ministry. Currently based in Cloetesville, the Meyers are active in preaching and teaching at these churches.

The Mitchell Family | Papua New Guinea

Ryan and Elna Mitchell are preparing to do mission work the Finisterre mountains of Papua New Guinea, where 53 of the 70 people groups have no Bible and no established churches. Read their blog here.

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