1.1 The main objective of Calvary Baptist Church is to glorify God as we promote the worship of God, reach the lost for Christ, edify and nurture believers towards maturity in Christ, welcome committed believers into fellowship through membership, provide opportunity for service, teaching the whole counsel of God, administering the ordinances and fulfilling the great commission while maintaining a good testimony for Christ by godliness and good works.
1.2 The object of the Church shall be to operate as a religious, charitable and educational institution of a public nature in the Republic of South Africa (in which at least 85% of its activities shall be conducted) and internationally.
1.3 The Church shall be a legal person and may as such acquire rights, assume duties and generally act in law and hold property in its name.
1.4 The Church shall be an independent body free from control or interference by other churches and/or bodies and/or persons and shall manage its own affairs without reference to any outside authority other than provided for in the Constitution. The Church shall engage in the following activities:
1.4.1 Conduct a local Church under the leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ and under the direction of the Holy Spirit in accordance with all the commandments and the provisions set forth in the Holy Bible;
1.4.2 Observe a code of doctrine, discipline and form of worship in accordance with the Confession of Faith;
1.4.3 Establish membership of the Church by members subscribing to the Confession Of Faith and the requirements for membership as stated in point 4 of the constitution;
1.4.4 Establish regular religious services for the fellowship of its members;
1.4.5 Establish various ministries to serve the purposes and vision of the Church;
1.4.6 Proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture and to encourage and support the proclamation of that Gospel to the ends of the earth through religious services, theological training, seminars, crusades, media and whatever means it may deem fit;
1.4.7 Facilitate in the provision for the needy and to establish if need be any entity for purposes thereof;
1.4.8 Establish and support missionary work and the like;
1.4.9 Promote and encourage co-operation with other similar organisations;
1.4.10 Raise funds and to distribute them for the furtherance of the said causes;
1.4.11 Establish and or manage any other ventures/endeavours to accomplish any of the stated purposes.
1.4.12 Acquire property both movable and immovable in any manner including purchase, lease and accommodation;
1.4.13 Borrow money and to secure the payment of such loans by mortgage or pledge or in any other manner;
1.4.14.Sell, donate, lease or in any other manner to deal with such property.
1.5 The Church will continue in existence, notwithstanding any changes in its leadership or members, unless and until a decision to dissolve the Church is taken.
1.6 The management committee of the Church shall consist of the Pastor/s and elected deacons and shall take on the power and authority that it believes it needs to be able to achieve the objectives of the Church.
“Together we want to develop a uniquely missions minded church, creatively reaching all people of
all ages, impacting and transforming lives through the Word.”
3.1 Qualification
Membership is restricted to those who meet the following criteria:
3.1.1 They must be saved by grace through personal faith in Jesus Christ.
3.1.2 They must have been baptized by immersion after salvation.
3.1.3 They must be in agreement with the church’s constitution and confession of faith.
3.1.4 They must be committed to living a godly life in submission to the authority of God’s Word and the Church.
3.2 Admission
3.2.1 Candidates may be considered for membership by: Completion of the membership class and signing a membership form. Restoration and written statement requesting membership after church discipline. Letter of transfer from a like-minded church and signing a membership form. The applicant should be encouraged to attend the New Members Class.
3.2.2 Candidates for church membership shall be interviewed personally by a pastor and or a deacon.
3.2.3 A pastor and or deacon, having satisfied themselves that the candidate is eligible for church membership, shall recommend the same to the church at any church business meeting.
3.2.4 Candidates may be received into membership at any business meeting of the Church by a two thirds majority vote of the membership quorum.
3.2.5 People under eighteen years old will be included in the membership of Calvary Baptist Church as Junior Members. They will be given the full rights and privileges of membership except the privilege to vote. Junior members will automatically become voting members on their eighteenth birthday.
3.3 Termination of membership
Termination of membership from the church may occur in one of five ways
3.3.1 Upon death of the member.
3.3.2 Upon request by the member.
3.3.3 By letter of transfer to another Church of like faith and practice.
3.3.4 By decision of the church because of inactivity exceeding twelve months.
3.3.5 By expulsion through Church discipline (see 4.5).
3.4 Privileges and Responsibilities of Church Membership
3.4.1 Voting Privileges
Church members aged eighteen and over will have the right to vote at all church meetings.
3.4.2 Financial Responsibilities
The financial needs of the church are the responsibility of the members of the church.
3.4.3 Moral Responsibilities and Privilege of Group Accountability
Members are expected to consciously remain faithful to their signed membership agreement. Every member’s moral decisions impact the testimony of the church, thus members must hold one another accountable to their commitment to the membership agreement. Church discipline for the spiritual benefit of the member and the integrity of the church will be compassionately applied (see 4.5 below).
3.5 Service Opportunities
3.5.1 All teaching ministries, leadership positions, and “up-front” ministries will be open to members only.
3.5.2 Regular attendees of the church may assist in ministries upon pastoral approval and under supervision of the respective ministry leader.
3.6 Discipline
3.6.1 The Purpose of Discipline
The purpose of all discipline shall be two-fold: for the spiritual good of the member involved, and for the preservation of the testimony, purity, and peace of the church.
3.6.2 The Responsibility of Members
Members who have private disagreements are urged to resolve these in a spirit of self-sacrifice and honest communication. In dealing with interpersonal problems members will refrain from any form of gossip, slander or tale bearing. If a matter cannot be resolved, they should seek the help of the Pastor in facilitating reconciliation. This procedure honours the Lord’s instructions in Matthew 18:15-17.
3.6.3 The Procedure
If a member is “caught in a sin” (Galatians 6:1) this procedure should be prayerfully followed: Privately confront and counsel regarding the sin. If the person will not listen take one or two others and again seek reconciliation. If the person still refuses to deal with the sin, a Pastor and a deacon will confront the person and seek to counsel the member regarding sin. The person may at the discretion of the pastor and deacons be suspended from voting privileges and ministry opportunities until such time the disciplined member is fully restored to the local body or is otherwise removed by expulsion.
3.6.4 The Disciplinary Action
Members who break their membership agreement through sinful acts and are unrepentant after pastoral counsel, or refuse to discuss the issue with the pastor or deacons, will face the following church action. At a regular or specially called business meeting, the church members will be informed of
the situation The extent of the specifics disclosed will depend upon the nature of the sin,
whether it was a public or private act, and its real or potential damage to the unity and/or
testimony of the church body as determined by the pastor and deacons. The church
members will pray for the spiritual restoration of their brother or sister in Christ. A recommendation by the pastor and deacons shall be made to remove the erring
member from church membership. Members shall be expelled by a two-thirds majority
4.1 The senior Pastor will be the Chairperson of all meetings unless he appoints someone else in his stead. The Pastor may appoint a chairperson for a specific meeting or for a specific period.
4.2 All meetings, namely Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings, require a 30 % Quorum to constitute a valid meeting.
4.3 Annual General Meeting
1. The Annual General Meeting of the Church shall be held as soon as possible after the financial year end.
2. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be a notice which is announced at all the services on at least two Sundays preceding the day appointed for the meeting and shall be published by means of a written notice affixed to the notice board of the Church building or handed to the members present during the Sundays aforesaid.
3. At an Annual General Meeting only members of the Church 18 years and over shall be entitled to vote.
4. The Pastor, on behalf of the leadership, will submit the following report at the Meeting:
2. The general work and activities of the Church during the preceding year
3. Matters affecting its spiritual and social welfare
5. The Finance Committee will submit the financial report of the Church.
6. The Financial Statements of the Church will be available to members for perusal at the Church offices two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.
4.4. Special General Meetings
1. Special General Meetings of the Church shall be held after public notice has been given thereof which notice shall state the whole of the business to be transacted thereat.
2. For the purposes of this sub-section notice shall be given at all services on the two Sundays preceding the day appointed for the meeting and shall be published by means of a written notice affixed to the notice board of the Church building or handed to the members present during the Sundays aforesaid.
3. At any Special General Meeting only such duly admitted members of the Church aged 18 years and over shall be entitled to vote.
4. Any decision which the members may take shall be subject to this Constitution and may only be passed by a two-thirds majority of the members attending the meeting.
5. Special General Meetings may be called for by the leadership of the Church.
At an Annual General Meeting the Church shall elect from its membership a secretary. Minutes for all meetings will be recorded by the Church secretary and shall be retained on record and will be available for perusal upon request.
The ordinances of this church shall be:
5.1 Baptism: As set out in the doctrinal statement.
5.2 The Lord’s Supper: As set out in the doctrinal statement..
The offices of the church shall be:
1. Pastor
1. Qualification of a Pastor
1. A Pastor of The Calvary Baptist Church must be in full agreement with the Confession of Faith and the Constitution of The Calvary Baptist Church. A statement affirming such agreement must be received in writing from all potential candidates for the office of Pastor.
2. He must meet the requirements of a pastor also referred to as elder or bishop as laid out in the Scriptures.
3. This church’s conviction is that a divorced person cannot serve in the office of pastor.
4. The Pastor must be a heterosexual male.
5. The pastor must not be sympathetic with any organization considered by this church to be apostate or compromised by co-operation with apostates.
2. Call of a Pastor
3. Upon the termination or notice of termination of the senior pastor’s ministry the pastors and deacons will immediately appoint a pulpit committee. All recommendations of candidates shall be turned over to the committee; and the committee in turn shall, after
prayer and due consideration, select those who shall come as candidates. The candidate shall be thoroughly examined by the committee as to his training, experience, sincerity, humility, character, family life, and beliefs. The pulpit committee will recommend candidates to the church one at a time. The following procedure must be followed for each candidate consecutively, not simultaneously.
4. Each candidate who is presented to the congregation for its consideration will first be asked to speak at the regular Sunday service on one or more Sundays. It shall then be announced for two successive Sundays before election that the candidate is to be
presented to the members for voting to take place.
5. The congregation shall then be asked to vote prayerfully, seeking the mind of the Spirit, realising that God’s man does not always have the best recommendations, the greatest ability or the finest appearances.
6. The pastor shall be called by a three-quarters vote of the members present at a properly announced meeting. The quorum for this meeting shall consist of not less than three-quarters of the voting membership.
7. In the calling of a second, associate or assistant pastor while an existing senior pastor is in place the senior pastor will recommend a candidate to the pastors and deacons who will then present candidates to the church as prescribed in the procedures outlined in through above.
3. The Duties of the Senior Pastor
1. The pastor shall be responsible for the spiritual welfare and direction of the church.
2. He shall be responsible for the preaching of the Word.
3. He shall oversee all teaching and counselling within the church.
4. He shall be an ex officio member of all church committees and boards.
5. He shall give oversight to all pastoral and church staff. (Eph. 4:11-13)
6. The Role of the assistant or associate pastor
7. The pastors are to assist the senior pastor in the oversight of the church.
4. Termination of a Pastors Ministry
1. Should the pastor choose to resign from his office he must give the church a written notice of thirty days.
2. The church may remove the pastor from office by a three-quarters vote at a regular or specially called business meeting, consisting of not less than three-quarters of voting members. In such a case, the pastor will be given one month’s salary, but asked to vacate the pulpit immediately.
3. In the case of flagrant sin, a pastor shall be immediately suspended of his pastoral role and leadership responsibilities by order of the pastors and deacons. This suspension shall remain in force until the process of church discipline as spelled out by the constitution is completed. (See 4.5 above).
5. Salary and benefits
1. The pastor’s salary and benefits shall be mutually agreed upon by the pastor and the pulpit committee and approved by the church. An employment contract will be signed by the pastor and the trustees.
2. A pastor’s salary and benefits shall be reviewed annually by the finance committee in conjunction with the pastors and deacons before the church’s annual business meeting at which time the church will approve changes to a pastor’s salary as part of the annual
budgeting process.
2. Deacons
1. Qualification of Deacons
All deacons shall be mature Christian men who have manifested a love for the Word of God and meet the Biblical qualifications found in Scripture. It is the conviction of this church that a divorced man should not hold the office of deacon.
2. Election of Deacons:
1. The church shall elect from its qualified members a sufficient number of deacons to serve the needs of the church.
2. The term of office will be three years, after which the deacon is eligible for re-election.
3. Ideally not more than one third of the Deacons should be renewed at one time.
4. Deacons shall be elected at the A.G.M. Nominations shall be received and announced at least two weeks in advance of this meeting.
5. The Deacons in consultation with the pastors finalize the slate of nominees.
3. Duties of Deacons
1. The deacons shall assist the pastors in caring for the physical and spiritual needs of the church.
2. It shall be the responsibility of the pastors and deacons to appoint a pulpit committee in the event that a new pastor must be called. (See 7.1.2 above).
3. The deacons shall assist the pastors in disciplinary matters.
4. The deacons are to assist the pastors in ensuring that the church remains faithful to its Purpose and Doctrinal Statements and operates within its constitution.
5. In the case of flagrant sin, or doctrinal deviation, a deacon shall be immediately suspended by order of the Pastor. This suspension shall remain in force until the process of church discipline, as spelled out by the Constitution is completed. (See 4.5 above).
1. Trustees
The pastors and deacons shall act as trustees for the church, but will not be able to make financial decisions nor appoint or remove leadership apart from a church decision.
2. Church Income
It shall be the policy of this church to raise funds for the church and its budget from the freewill offerings of its members and regular attendees. This does not mean that we are opposed to all gifts and donations, but it does mean that we are opposed to commercialization as means of raising money for the regular support of the church and its ministries. Any fund raising proposal for special
projects must be approved by the pastors and deacons.
3. A finance committee will be appointed by the pastors and deacons.
4. The Finance committee shall report to the pastors and deacons.
1. The Finance committee shall manage the financial affairs of the Church. They may appoint any other person or persons with knowledge of financial matters to assist them.
2. The finance committee shall see that all expenditures are justified by the current budget and that the church does not go into debt.
3. Regular financial reports should be presented to the pastors and deacons.
4. If the church should encounter a major financial difficulty, the committee must notify the pastors and deacons and present a report to the church members describing the nature of the difficulty, what led to the problem, and the plan to overcome the concern?
5. The finance committee will be responsible for compiling an annual budget based upon the ministry goals of the church. This budget shall be presented to the pastors and deacons before being discussed and acted upon by the church at its Annual General Meeting.
6. The finance committee shall appoint a bookkeeper and determine who should have signing power on the accounts. The committee will present all policies concerning the handling of finances to the pastors for approval.
7. All inquiries, suggestions or grievances pertaining to the finances of the church shall be dealt with through the finance committee.
8. The finance committee must provide the church with quarterly financial reports, as well as a detailed financial statement at the AGM.
9. The finance committee must ensure that the books are audited annually.
10. The pastors and deacons with the assistance of a duly appointed Finance Committee may determine fair and reasonable remuneration for services rendered by the pastors and other employees of the church. In addition they, authorise the reimbursement to any staff member of any expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the execution of their duties.
11. Every pastor and deacon shall be and is hereby indemnified by the Church against expenses actually, necessarily and reasonably incurred by such person arising out of the defence of any legal action suit or proceeding where such person is made a party, provided that:
1. Such action, suit or proceeding arises out of the performance and is within the scope of such person’s appointment by the Church;
2. Such action, suit or proceeding does not arise out of negligence or misconduct on the part of such person;
1. The finance committee may require that, legal costs arising out of such action, suit or proceeding be taxed by the appropriate taxing authority prior to payment thereof by the Church.
2. The financial control will not be vested in a Pastor or any one person on his own.
3. The Church shall be prohibited from distributing any of its funds to any person (other than in the course of undertaking of any public benefit activity) and is required to utilise its funds solely for the object for which it has been established, or to invest such funds:
1. With a financial institution as defined in Section 1 of the Financial Services Board Act, 1990 (Act No 97 of 1990);
2. In securities listed on a stock exchange as defined in Section 1 of the Stock Exchanges Control Act, 1985 (Act No. 1 of 1985); or
3. In such other prudent investments in financial investments and assets as the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service may determine after consultation with the Executive Officer of the Financial Services Board and the Director of Non-Profit Organisations.
4. The provisions of this clause shall not prohibit the Church from retaining any investment (other than any investment in the form of a business undertaking or trading activity or asset which is used for such business undertaking or trading activity) in the form that it was acquired by way of donation, bequest or inheritance.
4. Neither the pastors nor their relatives nor any other employee, office bearer, member or other person may derive any benefit from the funds or income of the Church other than that which has been formally decided upon by the pastors and the Deacons inclusive of the normal salaries payable in respect of services rendered which salaries shall not be excessive, regard
being had to Section 30(3) (c) of the Act.
5. The church may not give any of its money or property to its members or office bearers. The only time it can do this is when it pays for work that a member or office bearer has done for the organization. The payment must be a reasonable amount for the work that has been done.
6. The Church shall be prohibited from carrying on any business undertaking or trading activity, otherwise than to the extent that:
1. The gross income (as defined in Section 1 of the Act) derived from all such business undertakings or trading activities does not in total exceed the greater of:
1. Fifteen per centum (15%) of the gross receipts of the Church; or
3. Such other amounts as may be determined by Law from time to time.
2. The undertaking or activity is:
1. Integral and directly related to the sole object of the Church; and
2. Carried out or conducted on a basis substantially the whole of which is directed towards the recovery of cost and which would not result in unfair competition in relation to taxable entities.
3. It is integral and directly related to the sole object of the Church as contemplated in sub clause 2 hereof, unless it is of an occasional nature and undertaken substantially with assistance on a voluntary basis without compensation;
4. It is specifically permitted in terms of Section 30(3) (b)(iv) of the Act.
5. No activity of the Church may directly or indirectly promote the economic self-interest of any fiduciary or employee of the Church otherwise than by way of reasonable remuneration.
6. The Church is hereby prohibited from accepting any donation which is revocable at the instance of the donor for reasons other than a material failure to conform to the designated purposes and conditions of such donation, including any misrepresentation with regard to the tax deductibility thereof in terms of Section 18A of the Act; Provided that a donor (other than a donor which is an approved public benefit organisation in terms of Section 30 of the Act or an
institution, board or body which is exempt from tax in terms of Section 10(1)(cA)(i) of the Act) which has as its sole or principal object the carrying on of any public benefit activity as defined in Section 30(1) of the Act may not impose conditions which could enable such donor or any connected person in relation to such donor to derive some direct or indirect benefit from the application of such donation.
7. Seventy-five per cent of the funds received by the Church by way of qualifying donations shall be distributed (or an obligation incurred to so distribute) within twelve (12) months of the financial year end during which such donations were received.
8. Where funds or assets are provided to any association of persons contemplated in paragraph (b)(ii) of the definition of “public benefit activity” the Church shall take reasonable steps to ensure that such be utilized for the purpose provided.
9. No member or office bearer of the Church shall have any right to any property or other assets of the Church solely by virtue of their being members or office bearers.
1. A banking account shall be established and conducted through which all receipts shall be deposited and all payments made. Instruments of payment shall be signed by such persons authorised by the pastors and deacons from time to time.
2. The financial year end of the church will be decided upon by the finance committee in consultation with the pastors and deacons.
1. The Church shall have power to alter this Constitution, to make such rules and regulations and generally to do all such acts and perform such functions as are expedient and necessary for the benefit of the Church and the advancement of its purposes and objectives, in accordance with the provisions herein contained.
2. This Constitution may be amended by a resolution taken by three-quarters of the members present at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for such purpose. The amendments must be unanimously approved by The Pastors and Deacons at a prior
meeting of that body. Any proposal to amend this Constitution must be included in the Notice of the Meeting.
3. Any amendments to this Constitution shall be submitted to the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Services for confirmation and approval so as to maintain the tax exempt status of the Church.
1. Any decision to dissolve the Church shall be taken by the members of the Church at a Special General Meeting convened specifically for such purpose. The church may then be dissolved if at least seventy five percent of the members are present and voting at a meeting convened for the purpose of considering such a matter, are in favour of closing down.
2. The Church shall be required on dissolution to settle all outstanding debts and transfer all its remaining assets to:
1. Any organisation or organisations which is or are in harmony with the purposes and statement of faith as set forth in this constitution.
2. Any similar public benefit organisation which has been approved in terms of Section 30 of the Act; or
3. Any institution, board or body which is exempt from tax under the provisions of Section 10(1)(cA)(i) of the Act and which has as its sole or principal object the carrying on of any public benefit activity (as defined in Section 30(1) of the Act); or
4. Any department of State or Administration in the National or Provincial or Local sphere of Government of the Republic, contemplated in Section 10(1)(a) or (b) of the Act.
1. The Bible is this church’s primary document. All other documents are an attempt to translate, as literally as possible, the principles and teachings of the Bible into an orderly, transparent, and effective application in our contextual situation, particularly as it relates to a fellowship of believers within a local church.
2. Our Confession of Faith is a basic document and can only be amended the same way the constitution is amended (see 9 above).
3. Other unmentioned policies and future policies may be added, amended, or dropped by simple majority vote at any business meeting upon recommendation by the pastors and