Bible study is an important part of Calvary Baptist Church’s life.
It is where we can come together to pray, study the truths of Scripture,
and build deeper relationships with one another.
We encourage all our members to join.
Bible Study
Wednesdays | 6:30pm – 7:30pm |
Calvary Baptist Church
Bible study takes many forms. Personal reading is very important. Along with personal reading, Scripture memorization is part of burying the Word of God deep in one’s heart. Sunday corporate worship includes the reading of Scripture and preaching of God’s Word. Expository preaching both unveils and applies God’s Word to our lives. Bible study groups give us an opportunity to ask questions and probe Scripture alongside other believers who love the Word of God.
Men of the Word
Tuesdays | 6:45pm – 7:30pm |
Calvary Baptist Church
Men of the Word is where men who are committed and eager to deepen their walk with Christ delve into God’s word together. We spend time read a chapter of the Bible every day and meet on Tuesday evenings to discuss to work through the passages we’ve read together and pray for each other.